This Autumnal fruity-floral fragrance was created in acknowledgment of the aims of Dia de los Muertos - to assist in meditations upon the passing of loved ones, to allow their memories to live on within the ones who remain. To know that sorrow and joy are intertwined within the rituals of this season. Containing ingredients symbolic to the process: crisp red apple for immortality and bold marigold for mourning (the distinctive scent of cempasúchil helps guide departed souls), bolstered with peaceful chamomile, which assists in moving on from grief, and tangy desert cactus flower for perseverance. Our memories are what sustain us throughout our lives, and scent is the most evocative of our senses...
Scent: Autumnal fruity floral featuring marigold and apple.
MARIGOLD ~ Strengthening & comforting, prophetic dreams, divination, aids legal matters, aids the overcoming of grief, protection.
APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, foretelling spells.
DESERT FLOWER ~ Perseverance, protection, chastity, endurance, warmth, love, inspiration, sacred gateway to the spirit world.
CHAMOMILE ~ Prosperity, calming & soothing. Love, peace, meditation.
Created By: Mara Fox in collaboration with Israel Diaz, Brenda Castillo and Sacha Delgado.
Description By: Julie Skaggs ~ Luna65
Artwork: Mara and an AI Bot!
This year’s Autumn-Winter collection features an inspired collaboration with three dear friends of Latin American heritage: Israel Diaz and Brenda Castillo from Mexico, and Sacha Delgado from Puerto Rico, with the creation of an affectionate and mindful salute to the hallowed holiday observance of Dia de los Muertos, which is now celebrated in various countries and has taken root in popular culture worldwide. The scents of this celebration - to honor those loved ones who have passed on and remember their lives, as well as to remind the living that Life is sweet and should be enjoyed in the embrace of friends and family - can be found within these 13 fragrances, all aspects of traditions which stretch back (in some cases) centuries. Meditative and delicious, warm and ornate, and even a bit spooky - we hope you enjoy these lovingly-crafted fragrances and allow them to add a little MAGIC to your life!