PAX w/ Phero B2.2 ~ Pherotine 2022 ~ Phero Enhanced Fragrance for Everyone

Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

Regular price $7.50
Image of Perfume Label featuring closeup of man's face.

This scent is sooooo cozy! Don’t we all love a good snuggle? PAX is a smoky-sweet unisex blend which just begs to be huffed when applied to your favorite emotional support human…though it has a wee bit of a bite (but hey, consensual nibbling can be fun, right?). Tonka, vanilla and cocoa butter get cuddly with oakmoss, oud and driftwood accord. We then add some captivating accents of lavender, orange blossom, Sicilian bergamot and a dash of white pepper, all upon a smooth comfortable bed of white amber and white musk.

Now let the nuzzling begin with a boost of our exclusive PHERO B2.2 pheromone formula. Encourages rapt attention and camaraderie between men, and a comforting, placating feeling in women. This fabulous unisex blend lends the impression of a calm male presence. Uses: male to male social/sexual attraction, cuddle potion for everyone, females can wear to be treated like “one of the boys,” calming and soothing for humans and pets. Apply to your pillow for aid in sleep and relaxation.

Scent: Peacefully smoldering woods and musky vanilla fluff.

Pax means Peace in Latin.


TONKA ~ Love, money, courage, wishes granted; wards off illness.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
COCOA BUTTER ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
OUD ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health.
OAKMOSS ~ Protection, unconditional love, parental love.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing. Third eye chakra, spiritually uplifting.
BERGAMOT ~ Relaxant, confidence builder. Uplifts emotions, protection, attracts riches. Mental alertness, energizing.
ORANGE & BLOSSOMS ~ Strong ‘magnet’ to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.
PEPPER ~ Protection, fidelity, dispels envy and evil, exorcism, breaks hexes.


Created by: Mara ~ Love Potion® Magickal Perfumerie
Description by: Julie ~ Luna65

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