Mega Watt - UNscented Pheromone Blend
Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie
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An experimental pheromone formula for lending energy to the wearer. The concept was suggested by a forum member, and discussed by many of our message board members. Together we’ve come up with a formula that after months of testing has proven a successful and interesting blend. Our members find this blend helpful with focus and determination, and assisting the completion of tasks.
This pheromone blend has little odor and can be easily layered or added to your fragrance of choice. It is safe to apply this blend anywhere on body, on hair or on clothes.
For best results, layer with - or add to - fragrance of your choice.
Contains 1,000 mcg of pheromones per bottle.
Please choose base: 100% Oil, 100% Alcohol, or 60%/40% Alcohol to Oil ratio.