TMI - UNscented Pheromone Blend
Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

Our mixture of 80% Beta-Androstenol and 20% Alpha-Androstenol. You might be surprised at how willing a relative stranger is to cuddle up with you, but that's the Alpha-Androstenol putting them in their happy zone while the heavy dose of Beta-Androstenol loosens their tongue and encourages them to share their most intimate secrets with you... you just may learn things about them that they've never revealed to anyone. There really is such a thing as Too Much Information, so be careful what you wish for!
Please choose base: 100% Oil, 100% Alcohol, 60%/40% Alcohol to Oil ratio.
This pheromone blend has little odor and can be easily layered or added to your fragrance of choice. It is safe to apply this blend anywhere on body, on hair or on clothes. For best results, cover with – or add to – fragrance of your choice