UNscented Pheromones For Everyone

Savage Beast - UNscented Pheromone Blend for People and Pets

Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

Regular price $48.95
Savage Beast - UNscented Pheromone Blend for People and Pets

Originally created to bring peaceful accord to a blended family of felines and canines, Mara realized the pheromone blend she crafted - with ingredients promoting calm, trust, and respect - could bring comfort to the world of humans as well.

This blend contains both the alpha female and alpha male at peace pheromones, lending the impression of a calm parental-type presence, and promoting stress and anxiety relief...Mommy and Daddy are here, everything is ok, you are safe and protected. Additionally, we've included pheros that promote deep trust and bonding, helping everyone peacefully co-exist. 

For when you and your family - human and animal alike - need to reduce stress and promote the bonds of affection. But we must caution: please do not feed the wildlife whether you are wearing this or not! 

NOTE: This blend is also available as a phero enhanced fragrance. 

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