Limited Edition Fragrances

Phero-Charged Money Potion w/ Swimming with Sharks ~ Pherotine 2023 ~ Phero Enhanced Fragrance for Women

Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

Regular price $7.50
Phero-Charged Money Potion w/ Swimming with Sharks ~ Pherotine 2023 ~ Phero Enhanced Fragrance for Women

We've got what you need to profit and obtain all you desire!

The semi-annual return of our immensely popular prosperity potion…and this one is for the ladies! Success is measured in any number of ways but let's face it: financial success is a GOOD thing, and often difficult to achieve given the number of obstacles and challenges which fly in the face of our wisdom, intuition, and patience, all supreme aspects of the feminine psyche. But we're here for you, ladies, with some delicious voodoo which you can do in delectable style! Based upon the popular "Nine Fruits" Witchcraft and Voodoo spell, the object of this magical potion is to attract equal proportions of money and happiness in your life. Thus, the ingredients are not only for attracting wealth, but also for self confidence, mood elevation, love attraction, sexual allure, and motivation. This fruit salad-type blend bestows a positive attitude to the wearer, and that is half the battle in terms of achieving success of all kinds. A juicy heart of honeydew and cantaloupe, with additional fruity-fresh notes of strawberry, pear, mango, green apple and muscadine grape, plus tangy pomegranate and bright guava berry. For that extra push towards prosperity, the “phero-charged” refers to our exclusive SWIMMING WITH SHARKS pheromone formula, designed to level the playing field, it lends an air of respect, appeases and calms people who may bristle against those in authority, helps people to really listen to what you have to say; containing mood-elevating pheros, calming pheros, respect pheros, and trust pheros.

Scent: A lovely, refreshing fruit salad.


MELONS (HONEYDEW & CANTALOUPE) ~ Water magic, fertility, creativity.
STRAWBERRY ~ Attraction, friendship, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life.
PEAR ~ Love, lust, passion, longevity and luck.
GRAPE ~ Fertility, increases mental prowess, money attracting.
MANGO ~ Increases male libido, spiritually elevating.
POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility.
APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells.
GUAVABERRY ~ Attraction of wealth, excitement, randiness.


Created by: Mara ~ Love Potion® Magickal Perfumerie
Description by: Julie ~ Luna65
Label: Satellite image of New York City - NASA

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