For Women

Spell Collection 2023: Ideate

Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

Regular price $6.00
Spell Collection 2023: Ideate

Spell Collection 2023: Ideate

We all seek one form of immortality or another, whether the quest to remain eternally young, to continue our line with offspring, or create works which may stand the test of time once we are gone. This potion is all about fertility of body and mind, immortality through creation. But it also contains the qualities of a glamour potion, with an energizing youthful vibe and sweet fragrance. Immortal red apple, apple butter and apple blossom, with fertile aspects of fig and banyan fruit, peach, pumpkin and pomegranate, entwined with glamorous grapefruit and attraction-inducing touches of vanilla, amber and vetiver with a dash of rejuvenating thyme.

SCENT: Like a candied apple, quite sweet.


APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, foretelling spells.
APPLE BLOSSOM ~ Peace of mind, contentment, success, happiness, love attracting.
FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality.
BANYAN FRUIT ~ Resourcefulness, endurance, rebirth, eternal life, expansion, enlightenment, desire, interdependence.
PEACH ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted.
POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility.
PUMPKIN ~ Fertility, plenty, abundance, prosperity. Male sexual stimulant.
GRAPEFRUIT ~ Refreshes and uplifts the spirit, eases exhaustion; beauty and youth glamour. Lends an aura of “sparkle” to the wearer.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, is vitalizing.
VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
THYME ~ Protection from negativity, rejuvenating. Health, healing, sleep, psychic power enhancement, love, purification, courage.


We listened to you, we’re here for you - we’ve got the spell potions you want and you need right NOW!

Every few years we release a Spell Collection set of potion perfumes specifically aimed to assist our Beloved Customers in whatever aims they desire to enact. Most of these releases are centered around a specific theme, but for this collection we asked our dear ones - online and in-person: “What do you NEED to make your life better?” And so we present the potions for so many of your notions! Crafted to benefit you in matters of love and desire, success and abundance, protection, creativity and confidence, healing and tranquility for a world which is ever evolving and eternally challenging.

The motto of LPMP is "Add a little MAGIC to your life!" and we sincerely endeavor to do just that by offering a wide variety of fragrances which enhance the wearer by means of scent and intent. So please enjoy the 2023 Spell Collection as fragrances, and utilize them in ritual work with a pure heart and a focused mind…because the true magic is, ever and always, in YOU!


Created By: Mara ~ Love Potion® Magickal Perfumerie
Description By: Julie ~ Luna65

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