For Women

Keyani ~ Summer 2021

Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

Regular price $6.00
Image of perfume label featuring stylized photo of a woman on a multicolored splash painted background.

Are you ready for a Summer fruity-floral fantasy?! We sure are - it’s time to show some skin and let the sunshine in! The perfect accompaniment to all your sun and fun is this delightfully lush fragrance featuring several varieties of island orchids and tropical vanilla with the juicy radiance of pineapple and delicious razzle-dazzle of blue raspberry sugar.


Scent: Pineapple and Blue Raspberry with an Orchid flower garnish.




These are people you are likely to see, when you visit Love Potion Perfumerie!

We’ve got plenty to celebrate this Summer because now we can finally start to emerge from our collective isolation and reunite in the pursuit of fun and sun and plenty of good times, which includes visiting the good people of LPMP at our palace of whimsy and magickal goodies!

The colorful labels for this collection feature members of our LPMP family, friends and beloved customers whose lovely, handsome, and adorable visages we can’t live without...and we hope to see yours very soon too! We encourage you to fully enjoy the summer with these wonderful fragrances and friendly faces.


ON THE LABEL: Mara ~ Fairy Catmother and Brewer of Potions!

This pic shows our Potion Master in the midst of brewing up her Cauldron Punch for a party at the shop. Why the name Keyani? "I had a vivid dream a couple of years ago, where a trio of celestial beings were talking to me, but they kept using the name Keyani. I said, Wait! Who's Keyani? And they said, YOU are, it's your soul name. So I thought about what kind of scent would make me happiest and satisfy me down to my very soul this Summer, and this is it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!" Maybe she'll make a Cauldron Punch from these ingredients for our next party!



PINEAPPLE ~ Draws money and luck; chastity, protection.

RASPBERRY ~ Love inducing, aids in pregnancy discomforts, protection. Stamina, vigor.

ORCHID ~ Strong love symbol; beauty, refinement, fertility, creativity, psychic powers.

VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.


Created by: Mara ~ Love Potion® Magickal Perfumerie
Description by: Julie ~ Luna65

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