Liberation Potion w/ Balm Bomb ~ Pherotine 2022 ~ Phero Enhanced Fragrance for Everyone
Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

I started to be free when I discovered the cage was made of thoughts.
Conceived by Amanda, our “Green Witch in residence”, this unisex fragrance was specifically crafted for breaking free from the chains of shame, grief, trauma, and limitation. For breaking down the walls we create to protect us that then imprison our hearts from connection, love and pleasure. In this season of renewal as all other times, loving yourself is fundamental for attaining the realization of the love you may find in others. Give yourself the gift of herbal therapy and breathe deeply of this scent.
The ingredients chosen are all intentional for developing the necessary qualities of liberation…with a base of red clover tea for purification, mimosa flower for release, honey for sweetness, camellia blossom for growth and authentic expression, and Indonesian teak for resilience. A garden-fresh bounty of essential oils then enhances the higher purpose: basil and birch for new beginnings, coriander and thyme for cleansing and release of trauma, Japanese peppermint for protection, fir needle for honesty, Black chamomile for peace and calm, rosemary for love, and alyssum for invoking your inner beauty of body, mind and soul.
To further assist in the goal of peaceful contemplation, we’ve included a dose of our exclusive BALM BOMB pheromone formula. Pheros for calming and soothing, lessening of anxiety and grouchy PMS symptoms, mood elevation, and for making people act a little nicer around the wearer...for their own good. ;) This blend is also known to provide grief relief.
Scent: Herbal and spa-like, geared for self effects.
Created by: Amanda & Mara ~ Love Potion® Magickal Perfumerie
Description by: Amanda & Julie ~ Luna65