
Gogo ~ Summer 2021

Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

Regular price $6.00
Image of perfume label featuring stylized photo of a woman on a multicolored splash painted background.

A creamy lavender scent just as lovely as its namesake! French lavender and lavender attar are blended with dark amber and a creme brulee accord, further sweetened with pretty pink sugar. All the gourmand lavender fans out there in LPMP Land better go-go-go to grab this one before it’s all gone!


Scent: Creamy Lavender




These are people you are likely to see, when you visit Love Potion Perfumerie!

We’ve got plenty to celebrate this Summer because now we can finally start to emerge from our collective isolation and reunite in the pursuit of fun and sun and plenty of good times, which includes visiting the good people of LPMP at our palace of whimsy and magickal goodies!

The colorful labels for this collection feature members of our LPMP family, friends and beloved customers whose lovely, handsome, and adorable visages we can’t live without...and we hope to see yours very soon too! We encourage you to fully enjoy the summer with these wonderful fragrances and friendly faces.


ON THE LABEL: Gogo - An artist and green thumbed nature sprite with an eye on the sky, a hand in the earth, and feet always on the gogo.

Gogo is a full time employee currently attending college for the Arts, and wonderfully talented at all of them. A sculptor of amazing creatures, she also draws and paints, crafts things out of wool and plants, creates jewelry, and spreads high-energy joy wherever she goes. She reads fortunes at the shop too, so ask her for a reading next time you visit!



LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing. Third eye chakra, spiritually uplifting.

MILK/BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.

SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.

AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.


Created by: Mara ~ Love Potion® Magickal Perfumerie
Description by: Julie ~ Luna65

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